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Sitting here in...

...Rhinelander? Yes, yes indeed. Now, you may ask, "Andrew, how did you end up in Rhinelander? Do you not go to school in Houghton?" and, well, you would be very accurate in your question.

I wound up in the labs after my C++ class, where I met up with Corey, Lenore, and Steve. We talked for a while, and Smo joined us. It got on towards 1800 or so, and the thought of food was discussed. I have a number of guest swipes for the dining hall, so I offered. Steve declined, but the rest of us headed over to McNair for some tasty eats. Lenore realized after dinner that she needed to go home (formerly Pembine, WI) to vote, so she decided that she would drive down that evening and offered rides on a "WI roadtrip". I took her up on it and now, by way of Baraga and Pembine, I am here in Rhinelander, waiting for her to get back from the DMV and voting for the trip back up to school.

I also have a cat occupying my lap, coincident with much of my laptop keyboard. It had been a worthwhile trip.