Meme It Up!
| Amelia Meyer | COBOL, SciFi lab | William Ackerman--"Processional" | amused
Figured I would jump on the bandwagon myself, though I also do not have a purse:
Pants Pockets/Belt:
wallet containing money and cards
Pilot V-Ball gel roller pen
GraphGear 0.7mm mechanical pencil
Zebra 0.5mm mechanical pencil
mechanical eraser
a pop tab
MTU ID on retractable belt clip
Gordon 9-LED flashlight
3"x5" top spiral notebook
black Sharpie
red, green, blue, black dry-erase markers
sunglasses and case
120GB iPod Classic and headphones
Gerber Suspension multitool
collapsable chopsticks
1GB, 4GB, 8GB flash drives on ball chain
keys on retractable belt clip
kleenex pack
hand sanitizer
cell phone
water bottle
three-ring binder full of blank engineering paper
GIANT manufacturer bike catalog
laptop power cord
Targus four-port surge protector
Logitech VX Nano mouse
a few carabiners
150' 550 cord in assorted lengths
black, blue, red, green Sharpies
blue, red dry-erase markers
pink, orange highlighters
drawing compass
navigational compass
6" stainless ruler
Casio scientific calculator
four floppy disks
art eraser
bluetooth dongle
four rechargeable AAA cells
kleenex pack
jewelers' screwdriver set
needlenose pliers
standard pliers
multitool with flashlight
four-bit screwdriver set
ATDC giveaway flashlight
50' 20ga. wire
20' 3mm silver/tin resin-core solder
10' 4mm solder wick
litre Nalgene bottle
Meterman multimeter
two 10x 'scope probes
eight multicolored alligator-clip test leads
USB-RS232 adapter
cell phone data cable
Autodesk bandanna
"ALLY: Straight, not Narrow" button.
Eagle rank pin (BSA)
Brotherhood rank pin (BSA-OA)
I had not realized how much I actually carry on a daily basis until now...maybe I should cut back. On the other hand..."Be Prepared", no?

I try to both be prepared and pack rather light. I don't have a whole lot of pockets, and don't want to print stuff through my clothes, so I try to carry stuff that has the most utility in a small space. For instance, my leatherman was handy, but I found I used the main knife blade on it 95% of the times I pulled it out... so I replaced it with a single-blade folder I can flick open with one hand, and wear clipped to my waistband inside my pants without even noticing it's there, even when sitting down.
I'd get a smaller laptop bag if I found one I liked. Especially for my non-work laptop (Eee 901).
yeah... about that..
yeah my list wasn't complete... the one I posted on Mary Peed's journal... I should make a complete list sometime..
And be prepared is how boyscouts and girlscouts get into trouble! But luckily we are prepared.